Symposium: New Innovative plastic recycling technology for Hong Kong

25 April 2019

New Innovative plastic recycling technology for Hong Kong

To restore the public’s confidence in the city’s plastic waste recycling system, and provide assistance to recycling industry to increase capabilities and efficiency, ARCPE and Consulate General of the Netherlands co-hosted a Symposium on “New innovative plastic recycling technology for Hong Kong” to showcase the Magnetic Density Separation (MDS) Technology developed by The Delft University of Technology, which can separate the plastics with a purity rate of 99%, 90% of CO2 and 75% of costs in the supply chain are saved. The Symposium invited local and overseas academia, the industry, the government, and non-governmental organizations to explore the plastic recycling opportunity.

Date: 25th April 2019 (Thursday)

Time: 3:15pm-5:30pm (Registration 3:15pm-3:30pm)

Venue: WLB103, Lam Woo International Conference Centre, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University, 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong


Ms. Annemieke Ruigrok presents souvenirs to Mr. Lau Yiu Shing (first from the left), Mr. Luk Kar Kin (second from the left), Mr. Roon van Maanen (second from the right) and Prof. Jonathan Wong (first from the right)

Prof. Jonathan Wong (second from the left) is hosting the Open Discussion between the participants and guest speakers


The symposium was well attended, attracting participants from various sectors, such as local and overseas academia, the recycling industry, environmental consultancy, property management, the government, and non-governmental organizations.