Capacity building programme for waste recycling operators operation guidelines and knowledge transfer

In order to achieve the government waste reduction goal in 2022, our project will provide a well-developed and skillful operation guideline for the local waste recycling industry. To alleviate the problem at the grass root level, this proposal aims at capacity building of the recyclers through knowledge transfer at operations, policy and marketing fronts. A systematic analysis of the local situation, infusing efficient models and strategies from other countries with well-developed waste recycling industry, developing an operation guideline relevant to the local industry, and training are proposed to achieve the capacity building.

This project aims at building the capacity of the recycling industry as well as improving the knowledge and skills of waste recycling operators through overseas visits of successful recycling operations, conducting outreaching activities, organizing educational and training programs and develop an ‘operation guideline’ relevant for the local recycling industry. Thus, this project will achieve the objectives of the Recycling Fund to enhance the overall capability, capacity, efficiency, skills and market information and to upgrade the skills and safety of employees of the recycling industry.

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